Matin Nahvi


From Computer Information Technology to Data Analytics.

Possess a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Technology from California State University in Northridge and a Data Analytics Certificate from George Washington University.


Data Science

Vacation Weather Dashboard

Streamlit dashboard to visualize weather conditions and possible cities for taking a vacation.

UFC Fight Prediction

The UFC Fight Prediction project aims to create an interactive dashboard that allows users to predict the outcome of UFC fights with machine learning models.

Bike Sharing

The purpose of this analysis of the NYC Citi Bike Dataset is to convey readable and digestible data to convince investors that a bike-sharing idea could work in Des Moines, Iowa. The idea is to persuade the investors by sequencing visualizations to help them understand the bigger picture.

Belly Button Biodiversity

Responsive and interactive dashboard for data visualizations of types of bacteria found within belly buttons.

UFOs Dashboard

Interactive dashboard to analyze UFO sighting data and allow users to filter for criteria of city, state, country, and shape.


PyBer, a ride-sharing application company, has requested an analysis of all the rideshare data from January to early May 2019. The purpose of this analysis is to help improve access to ride-sharing services and determine affordability for underserved neighborhoods with compelling visualizations.

The VBA of Wall Street

Analysis of stock data from 2017 and 2018 to calculate the yearly return and total daily volume of green energy companies. I made a subroutine to conduct the analysis and then refactored for optimization within larger datasets.

Kickstarting with Excel

Analysis on data of Kickstarter campaigns and how they performed in relation to their launch dates and funding goals.

Chia Calculator

Estimate the potential earnings of farming Chia cryptocurrency within the Chia Network. Calculates the required number of plots, estimated rewards, and probability of solving a block.
